Sebastian Kümper

MS Informatics: Games-Engineering

About Me

My name is Sebastian Kümper and I finished my Master of Science in "Informatics: Games Engineering" at the TU in Munich in late 2016.

I'm most familiar with C++ but I also have experience with HLSL, C#, Java, Python, Matlab and assembly. I have experience with real-time applications. I wrote shaders and raycasters in CUDA and HLSL and I participated in the development of small games during my studies. I also started to write my own game engine. I'm familiar with the algorithms and data structures that are used in the whole Computer Science environment.

I enjoy thinking of solutions to complex problems. I'm fascinated by the simple math that is behind basic rendering in games and other real-time applications. I'm a fast learner and I can easily adapt to new environments and challenges.

My interest in games and the technology behind them made me study "Informatics: Games Engineering". I learned a lot about games and their mechanics. I learned programming games using an existing engine but also how to program my own engine, the advanced methods for lighting and shading, atmospheric effects and physics simulation. The more I learned the stronger became my interest in programming games but also programming in general.

I made several projects during my studies. These can be seen in Projects.