Stickmen Frenzy
Game Overview
Stickmen Frenzy was a game I developed in a team of four during a practical course at the university. It is a first person surviving game. An endless amount of enemies appears and the player has weapons and abilities to protect itself. The goal of the game is to fill a Frenzy Bar. This Frenzy Bar increases when the player destroys enemies and decreases when the player is hit by the enemies. The faster the player is able to fill the Frenzy Bar the better. However, if the Frenzy Bar reaches zero the player loses. The game has a rigid body physics simulation. Once an enemy is hit, it is split into its parts, which are physically simulated.
The game is based on an engine two members of the team wrote beforehand. We extended this engine so it was able to handle a real game. We made a feature list beforehand, that contained every feature we wanted in the game. The features had different priorities so we knew which feature to tackle next. In a weekly meeting we divided the features among the team members that needed to be done until the next week and discussed the process of the game development and what features needed to be altered or added. We used Jira to manage the features and Git as source control.
My first task was implementing the movement and the attacks/abilities of the player. I also added the basic enemy and implemented the basic game logic. I also took care of most of the GUI. I added the skill images with the recharge animation, the frenzy bar and the minimap including the logic behind it. I then helped with the physics simulation by implementing a separating axis test and adding a collision hierarchy. Lastly, I implemented a reflective floor to improve the look of the game.
This project helped me to work in teams. I learned how to organize work using designated tools and how to manage source code with multiple contributors.
More details, including the entire progress, on the project can be found here.
The game can be dowloaded here. It requires at least Windows 8.1, DirectX 11.1 and .NET-Framework 4.6.